
Dustin & Hannah Catherine Phillips

For the past nine years, Dustin Phillips has faithfully served on various committees for Night to Shine Shoals, taking on roles ranging from parking attendant and buddy to co-coordinator of guest registration and volunteer recruitment. This will be his fourth year as the event coordinator, leading the night with dedication as a representative of Christ Chapel Church. In 2024, his wife, Hannah Catherine, joined the Night to Shine Shoals team and has naturally stepped into a leadership role, further strengthening their shared commitment to making the Shoals a more inclusive community.

Guest Relations:

TBA for 2026

Buddy Recruitment Chair:

Dr. Amanda Hitt

General Volunteer Recruitment Chair:

Activities Team Lead:

Buddy Check-In Team Lead:

Coat Check Team Lead:

Flower Station Team Lead:

Food Service Team Leads:

Gift Take Away Team Lead:

Hair & Make Up Team Lead:

Local Security Team Lead:

Code Blue (Medical) Team Lead:

Brandi Ray

Paparazzi Team Lead:

Parking Team Lead:

Red Carpet Team Lead:

Respite Room Team Leads:

Sensory Room Team Leads:

Set Up Team Lead:

Social Media Team Lead:

Tear Down Team Lead:

General Volunteer Check-In Team Lead:

Welcome Team Leader:

Alyson Bergner